"Andre Block Sr. is my name, and I am a 36-year-old black cyclist. 2015 saw me cycling on a life-changing bicycle tour from Knoxville, TN to Los Angeles, CA to raise money and awareness for Lupus. That trip was one of the greatest things I have ever done.
Each day of my tour saw me meeting the best of Americans. There were strangers who went out of their way to get me some cold water while on the highway to make sure I was ok. I had hotel rooms and numerous meals comped. I was also able to stop a woman from jumping to commit suicide at the Grand Canyon. I was also able to help a mentally challenged couple move to their home. The most inspiring part for me was witnessing the true beauty of this country and the individuals in it. I learned how each of us has so much to contribute than we give ourselves credit for. I realized how something as simple as bottled water could completely change someone’s life. I believe everyone should have an opportunity to witness this type of love and kindness amongst strangers.
While we are very similar in our love for adventure, cycling, country, and fostering unity between humans, Jonathan and Andre are also very different. We come from different backgrounds, we’ve got a truckload of different life experiences, and we also have different political mindsets – one liberal, one conservative. Oh yeah- one is black, and the other is white. But these differences unite us the most as there is something to learn from every bit of it.
2015, as well as 2016, saw us connecting with an inspiring lots of people.
Our one goal as a team is to prove that undying love exists in our country. And this has been manifested in every smile, every cheer and every help we’ve received since we began this life-changing pursuit."